#ROW80 – A brief interlude.

A slightly late update for ROW80 for me today.  My inlaws have been sent off to the Gold Coast for a week. I’m sure it will preserve both their and our sanity – after one day, it seems to have saved us lots of money also. It’s expensive having more mouths to feed, who woulda thought? *Grins* But the interlude has allowed me something other than mere sanity –  my mind is back in writing and creating.

Anyway, the quietness got to me, and I had to put a radio on this morning. It took the little dog, Mickey, most of the morning to settle back into his own routines also. During the interlude, I’ve been workshopping the next novel, to be commenced during NaNoWriMo, and everything is going swimmingly. I’ve also worked out the fatal flaw of my main character – I got it wrong for a while, but now it’s beginning to make more sense, with a slight change to her persona. I’m so glad that I took the couple of weeks off from going back to correct the characterisation on my first thoughts, it just wouldn’t have worked. Now things are clearing up.

All good stuff.

Today I spent several hours in the quiet hush of the downstairs radio, preparing some creative digital elements for an upcoming birthday party. We are going to make junque journals, using digital elements printed and cut out to make the covers, including incorporating the junque journaler onto the page as a photograph also. The task has taken hours of labour and lots of ink, but I’m sure will be worth it.

As usual, the shot of creativity necessary to design up the journals has also sauced up my writing. Yep. All good stuff.

I hope others in ROW80 are having some success with their own goals also. Ryan King has just guestposted up at the ROW80 blog with a post on Goals. He reminds us at the end of the post that ROW80 isn’t just about writing goals, it’s about all our goals. I’ve watched as many participants in ROW80 include their fitness or other more personal goals alongside their writing goals, and admired their confidence in broadcasting them.

I, too,  have other goals which sit alongside writing. Writing is very much part of my life, so sits equally with other goals and tasks.  Okay, perhaps not equally – writing holds a higher position in the scheme of things than say, losing several pounds.

However, due to the fact that I never succeed at losing those pounds, I tend to not stick those other personal goals up here on my writing blog. Here, on Hunter’s Writings, when I stick a goal up in public, I better darn well succeed, or have a legitimate learning to deal with a failure.

But when it comes to creative endeavours – like the junque journal designing – I consider those as much part of my writing as any others I might include such as social networking etc. I can’t pull creativity apart per task, it all seems to work in ebbs and flows, together. I may not have been writing too many words today, but I added to my writing projects anyway.

Yep. All very good.

2 thoughts on “#ROW80 – A brief interlude.

  1. Hunter –

    That’s a whole lotta good you’ve got going on there!

    I love the way you describe your day…it sounds peaceful and lovely…and when I don’t have far to many open tabs, I am going to investigate junque journals, which sound like something my 8 year old daughter and i might love to create together…

    It takes trust to set something aside and not try to force your ideas onto it…and it seems you’ve been richly rewarded for that trust. I love when that happens! =D

    The idea of ebbs and flows has been with me for a long time, now…and I incorporated it into my goals for this round. I believe firmly in following the course of my energy and muses…and it is working.

    Enjoy your interlude! may it bring great peace, joy, and serenity!
    By the way, I love the alpaca!

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