Free Character Creator

If you have a lot of free gigabytes and bandwidth, and a lot of time to spare for downloads, you may find the newly released Black Desert character creator beneficial in creating a look-a-like for any fictional character under development.

Black Desert Character Creator

Black Desert is a new multiplayer virtual online world game, yet to be released. But they have just released their character creator as a free download. I used to enjoy creating facsimiles of my own characters via Second Life, but that’s an expensive option to do with monthly access fees, then purchases for skins, hairstyles etc. Black Desert’s character creator gives you some good options for personalisation (although not clothing) and is free.

The software comes at a cost however. It’s a large download of 6.22 GB, so took me an hour to download and setup. For setup you will need to create a Black Desert account, in readiness for the actual game launch. Once you’re through that, however, the application on your desktop is very slow to load. Sign in to your account, then be prepared for a large wait time with a black screen in front of you, before music and a game splash page comes up.

Once in to the character creation side, you have a few base character type options. You can go with most of these, although note the warrior woman is elven, and pointy ears aren’t customisable, and most come with different hair style choices from the ones I chose to play around with. The wizard will give you the best older character base, but is obviously male.

You can save your character to your hard-drive, but I found no way of importing this back into the character creator for further customisation. Fully developed characters with names, can be saved into the game, and appear ready for game launch, but again, I couldn’t find a way to change their appearances once saved to game.

The creator app does allow copious screenshots, however. Which is all this writer needs to go on with. Of course, unless you’re writing for fantasy, you’ll have to use shots of your chars in their underwear. I’ve played around with a few of my characters to give you some screenshots.

With a bit of time, and work, you may find this free character creator beneficial. Download it from – Black Desert Character Creator.

Characters from BD Creator

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