Day 8 Prompt of #10DayWBC

10 Day Write Blog Challenge button200The Day Eight prompt for the 10 Day Writing Blogger Challenge. The day’s linky list signup is below.

Important: Signup for today’s writing challenge on this linky list, using the direct URL to your blog post responding to the prompt. This list is open until the end of November, so join in anytime.

For full details and blog buttons, please read the main challenge page.

Day Eight Prompt

10 Day Write Blog Challenge Daily8


Post about your writing routines / rituals / habits or quirks – or –  your writing origins story

Writers are renowned for their sometimes odd rituals and habits. In fact, I’ve done several posts about these previously.  Here’s a post on wacky writer’s rituals which contains a PDF file to download of many famous and odd rituals shared by our fellow writers.

Alternatively, tell us your writing origins story – when and why did you start writing? When did you officially announce or label yourself as a writer? in public?

Alternative prompt:

If you don’t want to do this prompt, or have already shared a post similar to this previously, consider the following alternative prompt:

Pay it forward – either feature another writer on your blog (their link, bio and possibly a book or piece of work) or find an interesting blog post on writing published recently, write a blog post responding to this topic, and comment on that original post.

Linky List Signup for Day Eight of the 10 Day Writing Blogger Challenge.

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