Some Interesting Links for Writers

These caught my rather fluid attention as I caught up with blog reading, tweets etc. From the last week –

1. Plotto

Via (@AdviceToWriters)07/01/2012 12:25
Did you catch this? ☞ Plotto – every possible plot line, in a single master book circa 1928 (via @brainpicker)

Plotto is a masterbook of plots, and has just been re-released last month. Read the introduction by Brainpicker via the above tinyurl, then gift it to me from amazon (joking!)

2. How to Write Hot Sex

Via (@ShoshannaEvers)07/01/2012 12:08
HOW TO WRITE HOT SEX: Tips from Multi-Pubbed Authors (#Kindle Authorship Bestseller!) #nook

For those who have just read my last post, you’ll know I’m currently struggling with writing through a sex scene. My problem is that I want to avoid it being too hot, mind you. I want less details, and more emotions leading up to a scene further on. So perhaps this book may not be just right for me at this point. Amazon and B&N Nook book links above.

3. Siri Horror Movie

This is way overdue, considering it was made for Christmas. I have an older style iphone, so as yet do not know the joys or horrors of Siri. Horror movie mashup for those who do know siri. You’ll find it on my hunter emkay website.

4. Konrath’s Resolutions

After putting up my own writing resolutions for the year, I of course began to notice the many others out there on the web. It is a new year, afterall. Here’s JA Konrath’s own growing list of yearly resolutions for writers – updated in December with his latest advice. He has since gone onto his 30 days of beer diet.

5. #amwriting hashtag

As a general observation, now that today is officially my own “Back to work” day for a writer, having turned TweetDeck back on, it appears that every second writer using the #amwriting hashtag on twitter, is also “back to work” today, brushing off their WIPs from cold states over the seasonal holidays, much as I am.

Want some other good hashtags to find communities of writers on twitter? #writechat chats on Sundays, #storycraft is another one, try a #wordsprint, set out and celebrate your daily goals via #writegoal, #pubtips is good for information, #myWANA is another good writing community, #wordmongering is a good wordsprint challenge, and for those in the challenges – #ROW80 helps with goals and checkins. Finally –  always try to include #amwriting, if you can afford the character space in your tweet.

6. 25 Things Writers Should Stop Doing Now

Chuck Wendig does it again, in this list post of things to stop doing. Mind you, No 2 on his list is to stop stopping.

7. Kung-Fu Writing for the Year of the Dragon

Kristen Lamb provides some advice for taking on the new chinese new year (January 23rd I believe) with some dragon-slaying kung-fu kicks (books, websites, conferences, advice).

8. Backstory and Re-Evaluating the Writing Process

Janice Hardy’s blog is always full of excellent advice, but I particularly got a lot from two recent posts – The Other Side of the Story: We Have History-Making Backstory Work, and What the Heck was I thinking? Re-evaluting your writing process.

9. Breakthrough Goals

Kate MacNicol talks about breakthrough goals – the type that make you feel a little sick to the stomach (like my own five year goal to be a bestselling thriller author, for example). Erk…

10. 500 Books in 12 Hours

Karen Baney posts a blog on how she sold 500 books in 12 hours, and how marketing on the cheap can sometimes work out for you.

11. Publishing Predictions for 2012

Author Media has put together a large collection of predictions for the coming year.

5 thoughts on “Some Interesting Links for Writers

  1. Hi Hunter! Thanks so much for the blog love. I’m humbled to be among so many great links and authors. I’m looking forward to checking out their posts.

    Nice place you have here. I’ll be back…

    1. Ooops, I haven’t had enough coffee this morning. I forgot to tell you I think your five year goal is fantastic and falls right in with that heart thumping, raise the bar high, pursue with passion ideal for breakthrough goals. Plan and go for it. I can’t wait to see what happens.

      1. Thanks Kate. I must say, discovering your own ‘Breakthrough Goals’ post was what made my own set in stone. It feels right, and also your post provided me with some credibility in thinking to create something like that.

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