Best Blog Posts

10 Day Write Blog Challenge Daily5This post is participating in the 10 Day Writing Blogger Challenge, Day Five, which asks us to profile three of our top or best blog posts.

Mine are a bit of a mashup.

Top Blog Posts on Hunting Down Writing

No. 1 The Origins of my Airhead Alpaca

me and arnie Yes, according to stats, this post remains the top read post on this blog. Which possibly explains why so many people visit here from Peru.

Ah, the irony. I invented a fictional mascot and it pulls in readers who have no interest in the topic of this blog (writing!), and must leave disappointed, to say the least.

On the other hand, it becomes obvious that alpacas, as an animal, have a lot of popularity across the world.

No. 2. The 10 Day Writing Blogger Challenge

10 Day Write Blog Challenge button300Yep, the blogfest I’m running on here has hit the high notes with views of recent times.

Thank you to everyone who has taken an interest. And for all the likes and comments also.

No. 3 It’s a Toss Up

Snap 2013-07-23 at 09.24.24For my third, I’m breaking the rules, as all-time views sit pretty much across 4 couple of areas –

  1. The A-Z Blogging Challenge this year saw a series of posts on the theme of a Writer’s Core Habits (#WCHP) – of which several of the posts remain popular. Here is the index to all the posts, and here’s a couple of top posts viewed from the series : W is for Writing Rule Book (this is a home-made infographic that is slightly popular), Y is for 2 Years 2 a Book (infographic) – another home-made infographic – although the post isn’t as popular as the infographic, which is being shared from Pinterest a lot.
  2. Infographics are tops in many posts. As a visual person, this makes sense to me. I collect lots of graphics on several topics through Pinterest, and share them regularly here on the blog. Specific infographics for writers are indexed in this search page, so you can go to all the infographics posted here.
  3. Several posts on the Thriller/Mystery/Suspense genres – here’s an index to all of these posts, with the top ones being the Thriller Writing Resources page, a post entitled, ‘Elements of the Psychological Thriller, Mystery, Suspense and/or Crime Fiction Genres’
  4. And finally, the techie type posts profiling software and apps or tools for writers are popular also. The top one is Writing Prompt Apps, but here’s an index to most of them.

10 Day Write Blog Challenge button150You can signup to respond to this prompt, or nine more days worth, via the 10 Day Writing Blogger Challenge. This question can be found on Day Five.

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